Current Projects
Madina Tuktina (work in progress) Title: TBD
Courtney Murphy (work in progress) "How do teachers’ attitudes and teaching methods influence the development of math anxiety in secondary school students?"
Past Projects
Mentored Adelphi University's undergraduate student Alyssa Rashid (Fall 2023 - Spring2024) for her Honors thesis titled "Identifying The Best Multilingual Practices To Incorporate Into Mathematics Classrooms"
Mentored Adelphi University's undergraduate student Mikayla Moerler (Fall 2021) for her thesis titled "A Statistical Study On The Performance Of Olympic And Collegiate Athletes Throughout History".
Morales-Hernandez, M.D.; Farfan Dsouza, N.; Koshy-Chenthittayil, S. (2021). Biographical essays as an effective tool to engage International students in American College Mathematics. (Submitted)
Monica D. Morales-Hernandez; Sherli Koshy-Chenthittayil; Pamela E. Harris; Alicia Prieto Langarica, and Melissa Gutiérrez González (2020). Using 2020 spring student experience data to inform future course planning. MAA MathValues Blog.